Watch This Video In Full To Find Out How You Can Delegate Your Group Growth
I'm Going To GIVE You Everything You Need To Find, Hire and Train a $3/HR VA To Grow Your Group FOR YOU...
Dear Future OGM OwnerFrom: The Laptop of Josh Gavin
RE: The Organic Group Method
Josh Gavin here...
I’d like to personally congratulate you on listening to your gut, doing the smart thing and investing in the Organic Group Method…
That decision has the potential to become the single most important investment of your life…
Because it contains information so powerful that can and will change everything for you, your group and your future…
So congratulations - You did it.
You Just Got Your Hands On A System That Less Than 1% Of Group Owners Will Ever Know Exists...
A system so powerful that it’s literally going to give you an unfair advantage over everyone in your market.
This same exact system is the reason I was able to generate over $486,000+ from my group to date, that number is constantly increasing because I actually still run a successful group...
And I did it without Facebook ads, cold DM's, or 5-day challenges...
Or ever have to worry about when and where the next client is going to come from…
All you have to do is implement it and you’ll be ready to go - it’s that easy.
Now, that single decision you just made - is the second most important decision you’ve made…
The Most Important Decision Is Going To Be Right Here, Right Now - On This Very Page...
Because I’m going to give you a shot at something that was never part of the plan...
Actually, it’s pretty risky for me to do it - because it can and probably will open the doors to others competing with me in my own market…
And that something is...
I'm Going GIVE You My Done-For-You VA Group Growth SOP's...
That’s right…
Not just TELL you how to grow your group yourself - which I did in OGM.
I’m Talking About Giving You All of Our Internal SOP's A VA Can Use To Grow Your Group FOR YOU...
The truth is...
I didn't grow my group by myself...
The majority of the growth came from my $3/HR Virtual Assistant I hired...
Here's why...
Organic Marketing Isn't 100% FREE...
After growing my group to 1,000 members all by myself I quickly realized that I wasn't spending my money...
Instead I was spending my TIME.
And we all know...
I knew If I wanted to grow my group while still having the freedom to focus on other important tasks...
I had to delegate...
So I asked myself this:
And we all know...
"What if I could just PAY someone else to grow my group for me using the methods I follow every single day?"
I had the proven process...
I had the SOP's...
I had the KPI trackers...
I had the training videos...
All I need was someone to replace me!
So I found a site.
Posted my job request/description.
Qualified potential hires.
Found someone who fit the role.
I sent him the SOP's & training.
Gave him access to my group.
And he was off to the races!
You won't believe what happened next...
The Results SHOCKED Me...
Before my VA started I assumed that two things could've happened:
#1: My SOP's & training could have completely failed and my VA wouldn't succeed at growing my group.
#2: My VA would have no problems and my group would grow as usual.
But... I never stopped to think there could've been a third option!
And there was...
To my surprise my Facebook group started to grow even faster!
Not only did our SOP's work but they worked BETTER when I wasn't the one following them...
This gave me even more confidence in our organic group growth framework!
So I asked myself:
"What If I Gave Other Group Owners My SOP's To See If This Would Work?"
So I did...
And here's what people had to say:
After Seeing These Results I Kew Organic Marketing Would Change As We Know It...
❌ No more spending hours on Facebook manually prospecting.
❌ No more spending hundreds of dollars a month on software.
❌ No more spending $10-15 per group member running paid ads.
All you need is:
✅ Facebook Profile.
✅ $3/hr VA working 2-3 hours a day.
✅ Our SOP's & Training Documents.
All of which are readily available to be taken advantage of TODAY!
The Choice Is Yours...
😔 Are you going to spend YOUR TIME growing your group organically?
😃 Or are you going to invest $30/week to potentially make $5k+ from deal?
😔 Are you going to spend $15-$30/per group member running ads?
😃 OR are you going automate your growth with a VA?
If you choose the affordable automated way, I want to give you a shortcut!
I decided to create...
The Automated Group Growth Stack...
It contains everything I used to FIND, HIRE and TRAIN a reliable $3/HR VA to grow my group organically...
Everything from our recruitment strategies, onboarding SOPs, training videos, scripts, templates, and so much more!
Here's Everything You're Getting When You Join TODAY! 👇
Core Training Curriculum (VALUE $997)
This in-depth 20+ video course will walk you through each step you need to follow to find, hire and train your VA so that you can start growing your group in just 24-hours.
DFY VA Recruitment SOPs ($97 VALUE)
These step-by-step SOPs will show you where we find & hire the perfect VA in just 24 hours even if it's your first time.
DFY VA Onboarding Sequence ($197 VALUE)
Not sure how to onboard your VA into your company after you hire them? Plug-in-Play our custom onboard sequence to automate the entire process!
DFY VA Training ($497 VALUE)
This course will give you the ability to train your VA without your help. Just give them the login details and they'll be ready to start growing your group instantly.
Daily Group Growth Checklist ($97 VALUE)
This checklist will give VA daily repeatable tasks to grow your group so that you can have the confidence your VA will know exactly what to do each day.
VA KPI Tracking Sheets ($97 VALUE)
These custom KPI trackers make it easy to monitor your VA’s inputs and your growth. Gain clarity and confidence by knowing your numbers.
BONUS #1: Unlimited VA Support ($97 VALUE)
If your VA is stuck or has questions, we'll give them access to a private FB chat inside the Facebook group to give them unlimited 1:1 support M-F 9-5.
BONUS #2: Member Conversion Method ($297 VALUE)
This video course will show you how to convert group members into high-ticket clients. Get our done-for-you content cadence, messenger scripts and sales call frameworks. Learn how to keep your members engaged and active.
The Automated Group Growth Stack Comes With Everything You Need To FIND, HIRE and TRAIN a Reliable $3/HR VA To Grow Your Group For You...
Everything will change for you once you implement the Organic Group Method - and from what I just outlined you know you can do this for sure...
There will never be a moment of confusion on what to do next because the Automated Group Growth Stack will give you everything you need in order to do this.
No matter who you are...even if you think you don’ need the Automated Group Growth Stack.
Because The Automated Group Growth Stack Will Ensure Your Group Will Grow Without Your Time...
Also, and I don’t mean to put pressure on you, but I like to reward quick thinking and quick action.
And for that reason the Automated Group Growth Stack is only available from this page.
Once you click out, you strike out on your opportunity to get the Automated Group Growth.
Now you see why it was so important that you watched the video until now.
This decision about whether to get the Automated Group Growth could make or break your success with the entire program.
So now the question is....
What is that success worth to you?
What is freedom worth to you?
What is the ability to have the group you always dreamed of worth to you?
I can tell you what I paid and what it’s worth to me...
I Paid 5 Years Of My Life And Generated $486,000 In The Process To Create This Automated Group Growth Stack So You Should Get Results...
I did all of the hard work, and figured everything out, so you don’t have to…
What’s your time worth?
And what’s a client worth to you?
I can’t answer that for you, but what I can do is tell you what our clients are worth…
But our average client is worth $5,000…
So If Everything In Automated Group Growth Stack Got You Just One Client At $5,000…
That means this would be easily worth $5,000 are bare minimum…
One client to pay for it all...that seems like a deal right?
Yeah, but we’re not here to do deals…
We’re here to help you get where you need to go…
So even if you paid half of that - that would make it worth $2,500…
Since I made it for your benefit it might make sense to charge these prices because between the cost of testing it, figuring it all out, creating it, organizing it, packaging it and creating the training around it...
As you can see, it’s not cheap,…
And we thought long and hard about this…
On One Hand We Want Everyone To HaveIt We Want To Make it Free...
On the other hand....we can't stay in business by just giving everything away...
We have costs to keep the servers, support and staff running and there’s the risk of opening competition to our own agency…
We thought long and hard about charging $100.
Knowing full well you can get all your money back from just ¼ of 1 client.
It seemed like a fair price.
But then we thought more about how much you guys are in need of something like this
And how your credit cards might not be able to withstand another $500 on it.
So we settled on $500
$500 it was.
For a time.
Then We Thought We Could Do Better...
We chopped the price again.
To $250
And then one more final chop to just
Just $197 For the Automated Group Growth Stack...
You're getting:
ALL our VA hiring SOP's...
ALL our VA onboarding SOP's...
ALL our VA training videos...
ALL our KPI trackers...
ALL our daily growth checklists...
And whats better.
It's Completely Guaranteed!
Try this out on our dime.
Try it for a full 30 days.
If you don’t get actual results you can see on your agency.
Or if you don’t feel this Automated Group Growth Stack made this process easier than anything could
Or if you're not happy for any other reason at all.
Shoot us an email to
And you get every penny back.
We won’t ask you why.
We won’t ask you a single question.
Your info is confidential so I won’t even know about it.
You’ll just get every penny back.
Right onto your credit card.
So Hit That Button Right Now and Your Order Will Be Automatically Upgraded To Include The Group Growth Stack...
Your Automated Group Growth Stack will be unlocked, and you can begin using it the second you login to your members area.
If you really think about this....
It’s just $3.23 per day over the course of one month.
Many of you spend as much as 4 dollars a day on coffee.
But instead of investing in making some coffee CEO rich.
Start investing in your own agency.
Skip the coffee.
And invest in you.
This Isn’t A Hard Decision, Because...This Is Going To Make Sure You Actually Get All The Results You Want From The Product You Already Bought...
So take a good look at the button below.
Realize what it means. Your freedom. Your dream life.
And hit the button now, and I’ll see you on the inside.
You’ve Got Options. I Should Let You Know.
You can spend the next few years and at least $2,000 to get this done for you.
You can do nothing and stay where you are.
Or you can invest less than $200 in yourself and your future… and get absolutely everything I promised for a fraction of the work and a fraction of the time.
If You’re Truly Committed To The Success Of Your Agency. It’s Not Even A Decision For You. You Know Exactly What To Do...
You know you need to hit that button below and the rest is done.
Hit the button now and lock in your success.
Hit the button now and make the hard work easy.
Hit the button now and eliminate all the stress of this process.
Hit the button now and try it out for 30 days before you even decide.
For whatever reason. And for every reason.
Hit the button now. And upgrade your order.
And I’ll see you on the inside.
The Automated Group Growth Stack is Everything You Need To Find, Hire and Train a $3/HR VA To Grow Your Group FOR YOU!
Upgrade Today For Just $197!!!
Need help? Call: 1.612.590.2063 (or) email: support@organicgroupmethod
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM OFFER.CONSULTING