Ads been feeling a bit wonky lately?
Whenever there's a wobble, or quality of your leads dips without reason, you can be sure that Meta is up to something in the background. With little interest with fixing the many glitches, or improving overall performance, their developer team seems hellbent on keeping advertisers on their toes with shiny new changes!
Today's surprise changes come from Events Manager!
What's changed and what does it mean?
In an effort to simplify the objectives you can use on your ads, Meta has reworked the labels and places you'll find things; Ads manager is looking a little different on some accounts we're managing so keep an eye on yours!
The first of the changes seems to be that you'll no longer need to map your aggregated events nor verify your domain for aggregated event measurement - BUT - (there's always a 'but'!) You DO need to be using a Conversion API integration for this to work; no more relying on the browser pixel for good data...
This does make it simpler to install and use, which is only a good thing.
They've listened to the pleading voices of Ads Managers the world over and removed the 8-events per domain restriction that has meant fudging some names to get a picture of your funnel in events manager - woo hoo!
The second is another change in how objectives are used in ads.
The conversion, engagement and awareness objectives have all shifted around slightly which means that you may not see your results listed in the Campaign view once it hits your account but you'll find it at Ad Set or Ads level if you're using the older objectives.
Don't worry though - your ads will continue to optimize for the objective you set up originally. When you come to launch new ads you'll only see the new objectives available to you.
Read to the end of this blog and then come back to learn more about that on Meta's developer site HERE.
The 3rd Is A Biggie!
Datasets are being rolled out to replace pixels.
You don't need to make any immediate changes but you do need to be aware of this. Again, you're going to have to make the switch to Conversion API (CAPI) sooner rather than later before that pesky pixel retires for good!
Datasets are (probably) a good thing but like all good things they're a little temperamental to start with; they consolidate the data reporting from all the internal and external sources - offline conversions, pixel data, custom list data etc.
What do you need to do now?
With all the changes that have happened over the last few years it's no wonder people are confused!
While these changes roll out there will be inevitable bumps in the road (read: results). Some campaigns are likely to report odd numbers, results will go up / down / sideways and then settle back in their trajectory.
With a some careful nudging you should be able to keep campaigns stable and enjoy strong results with consolidated data giving Meta more information to work harder on your behalf!
Want peace of mind you're set up for success?
If you'd like to take advantage of our Ads Health Check service please book in for a call. We'll spend about 45mins running through your set up, tracking, data, campaign structure and ads. You'll get a comprehensive list of what's great, what's not and what you need to do to bring things up to scratch. The call will be recorded for you to keep.
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